The Show Routine
Here is the layout of how the show is performed

At the beginning of the show the audience will learn how hypnosis works through the power of suggestions. I generally look for 13 to 16 volunteers to come on stage, and as the tests are perfomed I typically end up with 8 to 10 subjects for the main part of the show which is an ideal number.

Audience Participation
Before volunteering for the show audience members participate in different exercises from their seats to see how focused and receptive they are to suggestions using their imagination.

Subjects come up on stage voluntarily, and are put into a very relaxed state of body and mind through the sound of my voice and soothing music. This helps to make the subjects comfortable so I can address their subconscious mind.

After the Induction I do a test with each subject to see who has responded well. Subjects that aren't as responsive as others are sent back into the audience, and are told they are welcome to try again another time. They are also told that their concentration may have wandered, or that they were very tense.

During the show the subjects participate in various comedic activities. They may play in an imaginary rock band or think they are at a club dancing, or engaging in other similar activities while up on stage.

Before subjects are sent back into the audience they are given a post-hypnotic suggestion for improving undesirable vices and habits such as smoking, texting while driving, etc.

After the show I love speaking to my volunteers on what they experienced while following the suggestions used in the show, and of course there is a photo opp. After a one-hour show subjects feel very energetic and ready to enjoy the rest of their day.